It’s no accident when heart disease declines. Or when malaria fatalities drop. Or when access to affordable quality care increases. In more than 50 countries around the world, Abt partners with governments, NGOs and the private sector to protect millions of people from disease, and promote health and well-being. It’s our mission to have impact. And we do.
Good health is affected by a complex web of variables: from individual actions, to the accessibility of care, to the ways in which parts of the health system do—or don’t—work together.
Abt Associates helps communities, states, national ministries and federal agencies make informed choices to ensure better health outcomes and stronger health systems. We apply a multidisciplinary lens, drawing from our expertise in areas such as substance abuse, climate change, social services, technology and governance, because different perspectives lead to more sustainable solutions.
Our comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach bolsters the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Goal 3—Good Health and Well-Being—which is the foundation for thriving societies.
This report, Advancing Good Health, examines our impact over the past decade toward fulfilling our mission impact goal of good health. It is a deeper look at our results—and what we’ve learned—in these eight areas:
The knowledge we gain each day is driving our innovation in tackling the challenges of tomorrow. Whether it’s using machine learning and artificial intelligence to facilitate health system reforms or sophisticated analytics to address the opioid epidemic, Abt will continue to be at the forefront of improving health for all.